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What Is Hydrojetting And What Are Its Benefits?

HydrojettingHydrojetting is the power cleaning of a septic field line, in which a high-pressure water stream is blown into the septic tank line to clear anything that may be blocking it. This is done because blockages keep the sewer from flowing through the pipes to the septic tank. This procedure must be done by a licensed plumber or septic pumper and sends about 15 to 18 gallons of water a minute into the septic field line in your septic system.
Hydrogetting Grease
When a septic system has been used for a long period of time, grease, fats, and oil can get inside it and coat the inside works. This causes the lines to be blocked and hazardous grease and other waste products get into all of the pipes and other parts. This causes your sewer system not to work properly and you then have a major problem that requires professional help. Hydrojetting services, along with snaking the lines can help to get rid of the clog.
HydroJetting Roots
Hyrojetting can also get rid of roots that may be blocking your septic field line. In fact, it is a good idea to have hydrojetting done about every three to nine months. A typical service of hydrojetting to get rid of roots may fix the problem, but it is highly likely the roots will regrow and once again block your septic field line in your sewer system. Hydrogetting to get rid of roots is much better than mere snaking because it can remove blockages that a regular snaking rooter job can’t accomplish.
Salt Lake City PlumberHydrojetting Debris
Hydrojetting is a very effective method of getting rid of other types of debris that may be clogging up your septic system lines as well. There are lots of things that can block the septic lines and since hydrojetting is a very strong stream of powered water, it can lift and push these items away and thereby unclog most things from a septic system that snaking may leave behind.

Stop waiting for the perfect time to take care of your home's drains and call Valley Plumbing and Drain Cleaning at (801) 341-4222 today for Hydrojetting services in the Salt Lake City area!