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Why Hard Water Sucks

Hard water may seem like the least of your worries when it comes to assessing the state of your home’s plumbing, but if you don’t have a water softening system in your home, you may experience other adverse effects of hard water like having a hard time getting your launderette or dishes clean, and buildup in your pipes. Read on to find out more about how hard water could be affecting your home.

Washing Clothes is Harder

The term "hard water" refers to water that has high mineral content. How does this affect your laundry? Well, minerals like magnesium and calcium in your water can prevent it from mixing with your laundry detergent, which can leave a chalky residue on your clothes, causing them to feel dingy when they come out of the dryer.
The same residue could also cause the color of some of your favorite garments to fade faster! Excess iron in your water can even cause some of your lighter clothes to develop a yellowish tint or rust colored stains!
Hard water will not only affect the look of your clothes, but also the feel of it. It can cause your softest tee shirt, or fluffiest bath towel to turn stiff or scratchy. And laundry isn't the only area of your home where you'll see the effects of hard water!

Dishes and Pots Are Left with Deposits

“hardwaterdishes”Just like hard water leaves a chalky residue on your clothes and linens, it will do the same to your dishes! If you are running a dishwasher, or even washing your dishes by hand, with hard water, your pots and pans, plates, glassware, bowls, and even silverware could dry to reveal a white film over them.
This residue is once again the effect of hard water. Beyond the white spots or film left behind on your dishes, hard water can also affect the efficiency of your dishwasher itself, leading you to use more dish soap per load!

Buildup Can Form Inside Pipes

Finally, the worst part of having hard water is not what it does to your laundry or dishes, but the effect it can have on your pipes! Hard water can leave limescale deposits in your pipes, which can collect and lead to issues like slow drainage, clogged pipes, and shower heads, lowered water pressure, and only lukewarm water coming from your faucets.
If hard water goes untreated, it can end up you costing thousands in higher energy costs, pipe flushing services, and even fixture or faucet replacement. To avoid this, and to put an end to the mineral buildup on your clothes and dishes, consider installing a water softener in your home. With so many different types of water softeners on the market today, you’re sure to find one that perfectly suits your home and lifestyle.
If you’re ready to put an end to sucky hard water in your home today, give Valley Plumbing a call to talk to one of our plumbing technicians about your water softening options!