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Plumbing Maintenance

Water Leaks Are Avoidable If You Take These 4 Plumbing Care Precautions

The biggest danger a water leak can represent to a home or business is the damage it can to do your bills and, eventually, your structure itself.
A leak, no matter how small it is, is always costing you money, because the moment water exits a pipe or fixture, your water company considers it used, and you pay for it.
In terms of damage to your building, a leak, depending on where it is, can cause stains or even water damage to cabinets where pipes or appliances are attached.
It can do the same for walls and ceilings, necessitating expensive repairs, and, in the worst scenarios, can provide a breeding ground for mold that can threaten the health of all workers and residents. With our four tips, however, we can help you to keep leaks under control.

Lessen Water Pressure

Low Water PressureHow much water pressure do you need? If you run a business, most of the time you will only need water to come out of faucets and toilets.
And at home, even if you value high pressure in your shower, new showerheads can actually increase pressure all by themselves.
This means you don’t need the water pressure in your pipes to be high. For the good of your pipes, it shouldn’t be in the first place. High water pressure applies a constant force to your pipes every second of every day, and this can eventually lead to breaks or leaks, so reduce it!

Don’t Use Clog Removers with Harsh Chemicals

Chemical Clog RemoverModern plumbing for drainage often uses synthetic materials like PVC, which is a type of plastic.
One way you can increase the lifespan of these and other pipes is not resort to harsh, store-bought chemicals to clear up clogged or slow drains.
These can dissolve and weaken the pipe itself!

Stop Corrosion

Pipe CorrosionCorrosion is just another word for saying a pipe “rots” or rusts due to chemical reactions with other components. Unfortunately, corrosion can occur inside a pipe, working undisturbed for years before you see signs on the surface.
To prevent corrosion, there are a few different steps you can take, depending on the type of pipe and layout of your house. For example, if you have metal pipes, they may also be used to ground electricity in your home.
However, electrical energy running through these pipes may create galvanic corrosion under the right conditions! With something like copper, you can protect it from corrosion by simply using paint sealer to prevent it from interacting with oxygen and rusting.

Confirm Leaks

Identify a LeakFinally, if you suspect that you may already have a leak, you should confirm it if you’re not sure. Check all pipes for moisture, as well as the areas around pipes for water stains or damage.
The same is true for walls or ceilings where drainage or water pipes are present. If all else fails, try taking a reading of your water meter, then stop all water usage and wait anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.
If your water meter has still gone up in that time, you’ve definitely got a leak. Leaks can be damaging, but if you get to them early enough, you prevent an expensive fix. Take advantage of the convenience of living in Salt Lake City, UT and get professional help if you need it to keep your plumbing in good shape.