News & Media

What Causes a Slow Flushing Toilet

A slow flushing toilet can be a major inconvenience in your home. Many people struggle with their slow flushing toilets everyday, and they are probably wondering what might be causing your toilet to flush slowly. There are three major causes of slow flushing toilets, the water level in the toilet, the toilet sediment level, and […]

Plumbing Emergency? We've Got You Covered.

Your typical household plumbing emergency will not happen at noon on a Wednesday when the plumbers are readily available, no, your emergency will happen at midnight on a holiday in a snowstorm. The important thing is that you are prepared so the emergency is held at bay until your plumber can get out to you […]

Bathroom Remodeling 2015

As in the years previous, the top trends for remodeling your bathroom all center around making your space more open, contemporary, utilitarian, and some times more high tech. Open Showers With an open and doorless shower you not only get more room but more light is let in as well. Frameless or walk in showers […]